Cannabis and Pets. CBD use with your furry friends.

Cannabis is now a very popular “alternative” medicine used by people around the world to treat many diseases and ailments. It was first documented in Asia by the Chinese around 3000BC as a medicine and was very popular pre-1950’s in the United States of America as a medical treatment. But what about Cannabis and Pets?

Since its getting a lot more public attention and growing in popularity, people are using cannabis on their pets. One must note that cannabis can be very dangerous for your furry friends if used incorrectly. This article will give you good information about different types of cannabis and the potential of using it on your pet.

Cannabis has been used on pets since the ancient Greeks first used it on their horses to dress sores and wounds. Since then it has been used as a nutritional supplement, for topical treatments as well as stress and anxiety reliever. Its list of uses for both humans and animals is long, and we are only at the beginning stages of research being done on benefits of cannabis and pets.

Not much research has been done on cannabis and pets, and this lack of peer-reviewed studies and federal law against the use of cannabis ensures no one is legally able or qualified to recommend cannabis for your furry friends. There are a growing concern and cases of pets having bad reactions to cannabis use, this is due to their generally smaller size and the different endocannabinoid system. Pet owners need to make an individual choice on whether to use cannabis on their pets.

In small amounts, activated THC ( Tetrahydrocannabinol ) can adversely affect pets for an unpredictable duration and lead to loss of coordination, seizures and sensory dysfunction. However, CBD ( Cannabidiol ) has been endorsed by veterinarians in Canada, Washington State and New York State as a safe dietary supplement for pet nutrition.

Cannabis and PetsThis is because CBD has been demonstrated to be completely non-psychoactive, opposite of THC’s psychoactive effects. It is a potent antioxidant and acts as a neuroprotector on your pets.

There are a number of products on the market specifically designed for pets, from oils to tinctures to pet treats. It’s a wise decision to start with pet-friendly, non-psychoactive, CBD supplements from a company that formulates cannabis for pets. Because of you, as the pet owner, who chooses to use cannabis its important to research as much as possible by looking at case studies, speaking to your local veterinarians as well as other pet owners.

If you go ahead with this journey, always remember less cannabis is more. You will need patience, as cannabis does not work immediately, but like most medicines takes time and continued application to make a difference.

Gauge the reaction of your pet, day by day, check for any adverse side-effects mentioned above. If your loved one is more relaxed, eating and drinking, as usual, you might want to up the dose or continue using the same dose you began with.

Cannabis is a very powerful and effective medicine, I hope it helps in treating your pet to live a happy and healthy life with you.

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